
Tattoo Ideas for Couples

There are several ways you can go about looking at a tattoo for a couple. You can take the meaning very literally by incorporating pairs of items that mean a union such as a pair of rings. You can also take the idea of being a couple into a different direction by being very subtle about it and incorporating pairs of items that would seemingly be lost without the other. When you finally decide on a tattoo be sure that it is something you both agree on and live with.

Choose the right tattoo by looking at your relationship and who you are as people and choose something that truly embodies the entirety of it. If your partner likes to skateboard and you love rubber duckies why not a tattoo of a rubber duckie skateboarding with your initials on the deck? It can be as simple as that and the following ideas are also possibilities.

Linking Rings

The wedding band is meant to symbolize the love and unity of two souls joined as one. When the two rings are connected they also create the symbol for “infinity” as there is no end in the union of the two. Each of you can get a set of wedding bands linked together to symbolize a permanent pairing. You can go further by having the rings engraved with your names. If you wish to maintain a “his” and “hers” tattoo one ring could include a diamond.

Name Tats

One of the most popular types of tattoos is the name tattoo. The idea here is that each of you puts each other’s name on yourselves.

Wedding Bells

The bell has always been associated with the end of the ceremony and the completed union of the couple. Each person in the relationship could get a set of bells as a tattoo along with their wedding date either on the bell or around them.

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